Helping you take care of you!
Ask yourself this question…
What are you doing for yourself? How are you taking care of yourself right now?
Self-care is so critical during the times that we are in. So, it’s important to ask yourself, what are you doing for you?
Here are 3 simple things you can do for yourself today!
- Drink plenty of water
- Get out into nature
- Eat good food
Good foods to feed your brain include: fatty fish, walnuts, blueberries and broccoli.
Here are some things you can do for your brain each day…
In the morning, before getting out of bed, connect with your body. Your body is alive and your best friend!
Get to know your brain: Today, I want to focus on the frontal lobes. This is the center for thinking, memory, behavior and movement. It’s where we make our decisions, our options for choice, problem solving, judgement, personality and behaviors. It’s our center for empathy, compassion and aggression.
Here are simple tools you can use: Learn how to move energy from the back of your head to the front of your head and then down your body. These simple techniques will bathe your whole body with energy.
Exercise #1: Place your hands over your forehead, you can cover both eyes to relax your body. This simple exercise will increase blood flow, energy and oxygen to your body.
Exercise #2: In the evening, you can place your right hand behind your neck and left hand over your forehead and hold. You may begin to feel your pulse or tap into your body’s rhythm. Keep your left hand over your forehead and now place your right hand over your heart. This movement will connect your brain and heart. Now, move your right hand over your gut to embrace intuition and acknowledge yourself as a whole body.
Words & Wisdom by Colleen Haney
Colleen Haney of Communicating Energy Wellness Institute
For more information contact us at (561) 212-6862